The Progress Report is an independent and proudly left wing media project produced by Progress Alberta.
We reject the prevailing assumption that journalism must be apolitical, neutral or “objective.” All platforms have their own political biases—even the ones who claim they don’t. Claims of objectivity are too often used as an excuse for supporting the status quo, and the staff and contributors of The Progress Report do not support the status quo.
We seek in our work to promote the interests of workers, marginalized communities, and people struggling against the injustices of racism, capitalism, and colonialism.
We strive to live up to the fundamental ideals of good journalism—honesty, transparency, and professionalism.
Our hope is to inform and inspire so that together Albertans can stand up for justice in our communities.
The Progress Report is open to pitches for investigative journalism and commentary regarding Alberta politics, media and social movements. We want to publish and promote voices that are normally shut out of the Canadian media system. If you have a story to pitch to the Report, contact us at [email protected] and tell us about it.
What is the relationship between Progress Alberta and the Progress Report
The Progress Report is an independent, media project run by Progress Alberta.
Who is on the board of Progress Alberta, who controls the organization?
Our current board of directors includes:
- Duncan Kinney
- Jim Storrie
- Abdul Malik
We are an employee-run non-profit. Our bylaws state that a majority of our board of directors must always be employees.
What does the Progress Report do?
We produce a weekly podcast and a weekly newsletter on Alberta politics, media and social movements. We also produce and commission other content on those subjects when stories occur and when time allows.
What is the relationship between Progress Alberta and the Alberta NDP
We are an independent organization and have no formal relationship with Alberta NDP. As an ostensibly social democratic party the values of Progress Alberta do, sometimes, align with those of the Alberta NDP but make no mistake our politics are far to the left of the Alberta NDP.
What is the relationship between Progress Alberta and the Broadbent Institute and Press Progress?
Progress Alberta is not affiliated with the Broadbent Institute or Press Progress.
How is Progress Alberta funded?
Progress Alberta stays afloat by patching together funding from a variety of sources like foundations, unions and our own supporters. Recent legislative changes restricting donations from labour unions have pushed us to rely more on support from individual, small donors, like the monthly subscribers to the Progress Report. If you’d like to make a donation you can do so here.
Is Progress Alberta a PAC?
PAC isn’t a term that has an actual definition in the Alberta system, but Progress Alberta did register as a third party advertiser in the 2019 provincial election. In the past two years we have shifted direction away from campaigning and advocacy work and are not planning to conduct similar campaigns in subsequent elections.
Does Progress Alberta collaborate with social movements and activists and campaigners?
We are pleased to share our resources and experience with other organizations that share our values, and it has been our honor to assist local organizations and projects like BLM Edmonton and Camp Pekiwewin. If you need advice on strategy, messaging, or the technical aspects of online campaigning, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we may be able to assist you.
How can I write for the Progress Report?
Please send your pitch to [email protected]. It should briefly describe the story in question, make the case for why it is news and needs to be covered and give a proposed deadline and word count. We pay, not a lot, but we do pay and we pay fast.