Edmonton demands $25k in costs against human rights coalition to create “deterrent effect” against public interest lawsuits defending unhoused people

The city of Edmonton argued in court Thursday that it wants $25,000 in costs from the Coalition for Justice and Human Rights (CJHR), a non-profit group that sought to challenge the constitutionality of Edmonton’s encampment sweeps policy on behalf of Edmonton’s unhoused people because a large penalty would act as a deterrent against future lawsuits. 

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AHS manager tells healthcare workers to become Tik Tok influencers to supplement income due to policy limiting overtime

In an email leaked to the Progress Report, an AHS unit manager mocks Royal Alexandra Hospital nurses for daring to think they deserve overtime pay. “If utilizing only [overtime] is how you want to make ends meet, this may be the wrong profession for the long game. May I suggest some side jobs: Investment Banking? Fund Manager? Tik Tok Influencer?” 

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Latest AIMCo bungle showing us once again that Alberta should keep its hands off our pensions

AIMCo is at it again, and the story is wild. But first, a quick update on last week’s Alberta 2024 budget news.

Our entire team was in the (virtual) lockup last week combing through the budget documents to try and make sense of what the UCP’s plans are for both this year and the rest of their term–well, no surprises there, it turns out. It’s austerity all round. 

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Budget 2024 reveals just how fast and how far the UCP are privatizing healthcare and education

On one lonely paragraph of Alberta’s 2024 budget, page 78, the UCP admit the cost of a recent privatization bungle. “The financial impact of transitioning all community laboratory services to Alberta Precision Laboratories is reflected in 2023-24. This includes a total cash consideration paid of $31.5 million.”

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Budget 2024 sets up stealth cuts to K-12 and post-secondary education

Alberta’s UCP continue to push towards private schools, K-12 charters, and turning post-secondary education into glorified job training in 2024 with an education budget that falls well behind inflation and population growth.

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Alberta Budget 2024 TLDR

Here’s a quick snapshot of what you need to know about Alberta’s budget in 2024. 

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Per capita health funding in Alberta continues to erode in 2024 budget

Adjusted for inflation, per-capita health care funding in Alberta will significantly erode in 2024, according to budget documents released on Thursday February 29.

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How we plan on covering the most significant political event in Alberta in 2024 (no, it's not the budget)

The person who wins the race for Alberta NDP leader has one job—defeat the UCP in the next election. Picking the person to do that job will be one the most politically significant moments of the year, and the Progress Report plans to cover it like no other news outlet. 

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Calgary business elite applaud Danielle Smith as she brags about encampment sweeps and tells lurid, unsubstantiated stories of sexual assault and arson

On Feb. 15, Alberta premier Danielle Smith boasted of her government’s mass displacement of unhoused encampment residents in Edmonton to a formal black-tie dinner at Calgary’s Ranchmen’s Club, making extreme and unsubstantiated allegations about how the camps operated. 

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Why Edmonton’s public spaces bylaw debacle matters to everyone

The business owners and conservative politicians arguing for Edmonton’s draconian public spaces bylaw last week had two silent partners—the UCP and the Edmonton Police Service. And that’s why what happened with this bylaw matters outside of Edmonton city limits. 

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